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Causes of Leaks in Concrete Tile Roofs

Admin • Nov 30, 2023

Concrete tile is tough and long-lasting. This is a terrific material for roofs in hot climates that don't need intensive care to survive each year. However, the concrete can be surprisingly fragile and other features can fail over time.

If you have a concrete tile roof and are noticing ceiling leaks, call a roofing company right away. The tiles could have damage or part of the chimney could be creating issues. Fixing them now stops them from creating larger problems in the future. Read this blog on the common causes of tile roof leaks.

Flashing That Isn't Secured Completely

Concrete tiles don't actually have to be damaged to develop a leak. Your roof has several materials all connected together, and some of those connections can become loose. Flashing around a chimney is a prime example.

Flashing is the metal sheeting you find around chimneys that has to be flat and secured so that no water seeps under it. A common problem is older flashing lifting up or storms damaging flashing, creating a gap. Water seeps through the gap, drips into the attic or crawlspace, and seeps into the rest of your home.

Patching or replacing the flashing should solve the problem, so hire a roof company to complete the work, which can ensure no microscopic gaps are left behind.

Breaking After Stepping in the Wrong Place

When you have a tile roof, you don't want to walk carelessly over the roof to look for damage or seek out basketballs that your kids threw onto the roof. If someone walks on the tiles, those tiles can break easily. Some tiles have spots where you can try to step carefully, but many are too fragile to hold the weight of a human.

Remember that leaks don't necessarily show up immediately after the roof is damaged. You can break some tiles and not have any leaks because the underlayment stops the water from getting through. But over time, as the underlayment gets older and more brittle, any rainwater seeping through the broken tiles can eventually get through the underlayment.

Cracking From Poor Solar Installation

Solar panels that sit on a roof have to be anchored to the structure of the house itself, not on the top of the roof tiles. When the panels are installed correctly, the array shouldn't cause leaks to get through the roof. However, if the panels were installed poorly, cracks could form around the supports and let moisture drip through.

If the underlayment of the roof is damaged as well, then moisture could drip through the ceiling of the room below, whether it be an attic or finished living space. Concrete tiles are tough, but they can only do so much to counteract bad panel support installation. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen, and even the best installers can make a mistake, leaving tiny cracks behind.

In this case, you need to have the underlayment and tiles patched at the very least, but what you do will depend on the level of damage. A small amount might require only a patch while a lot of damage could require a complete roof replacement. It may also be a good idea to have the panels inspected before the roof work is done to ensure you don't have to do anything to fix their placement.

Regardless of the cause of the leak, if you have water dripping through a concrete tile roof, call Knox Services as soon as you can. With Florida's penchant for regular storms, you need to get that leak fixed now. Our team is ready and willing to help when you need us most.

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